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Invitation to 6th Slovene Recumbent meeting

We received an invitation to Slovene recumbent meeting which will be organised in September from Peter. You can read it here under. At least from videos and pictures it seems to be a very...

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New recumbent shop in Konstanz

A new recumbent shop opened just few days ago in Konstanz in Germany. It is connected to the Radieschen shop in Freiburg and will offer a wide range of recumbents such as AZUB, HP...

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Annual Czech Recumbent Meeting

Every year there is a Czech Recumbent Meeting organised on different place of the Czech Republic. You can find more informations about the previous years in the History section of this web. The recumbent...

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5th recumbent meeting in Slovenia

Hello All! This year I am organising a 5th recumbent meeting in Slovenia that will be held in Moravske Toplice. It will be different than all the meetings before as we will be stationary...